The Quest for Artificial Intelligence
Book review The Quest For Artificial Intelligence by Nils J Nilsson published by Cambridge University Press Reading time: 2 mins The name Nils J Nilsson is almost synonymous with the quest to develop machine intelligence at one of the most productive research hubs in the US, Stanford University . Nilsson quickly established his reputation in the 1960s as a member of the team responsible for ‘Shakey’, the ground-breaking robot which captured data from sensors, then planned and executed its own routes around the laboratory. Nilsson’s career never looked back. Author: Nils J Nilsson Fortunately for those of us who are relatively new to AI and data science Professor Nilsson has written a hugely informative research history. First published in 2009, The Quest for Artificial Intelligence has become perhaps the most highly respected of the many AI histories on the market. Nilsson captures the grand sweep of ideas, from Ari...