AI Project Failures
Today a friend of mine, who is developing an AI consultancy, asked me the following question: Hi Peter, I wanted to ask you something. I'm trying to find a report that shows the failure rate of AI projects but haven't been successful yet. Do you have any studies or articles in mind? Kind Regards, Name Withheld My answer was unequivocal. If you don't agree, please tell me why. What is 'success'? -------------------------------- Hi Name Withheld, I would be 99.8% certain that such a report or statistic does not exist, for the following reasons: 1) Definition of an "AI project" Does this include projects for academic research, public sector, private sector, pilot studies and 'proof of concept' studies? Does this include projects in which AI is a minor feature, a significant feature or a major feature? 2) Definition of a 'failed' project If a project completes, but it does not meet ...